May 25, 2017

There are a few different options for a head table at your wedding reception. Have you attended weddings and loved a particular setup? Here are some general options to think about for your head table…

  1. Traditional Head Table – the bride and groom are joined by their bridal party only. Everyone sits on one side of the table, facing out towards the reception. Everyone can see the entire party but this means the significant others of the bridal party are seated separately.
  2. King’s Table – the bride and groom are joined by the bridal party and their significant others/dates. This is a really nice way to include the other half of the important people in your lives. More likely than not, their signifiant others are a big part of your life if they are married or serious with your favorite people. You can leave the space immediately across the table from the bride and groom open so there is a clear view to them the entire reception. Make sure this table is at least 42″ wide so there is ample space for place settings, centerpieces, etc. If your venue doesn’t have 42″, you can put two 30″ tables together to create a really wide rectangle (60″ wide).
  3. Sweetheart Table – the bride and groom sit alone at a small table facing the reception. This is a nice way for the bride and groom to sneak in some special time together on a very busy day while being the focal point of dinner. Sometimes the venue is ideally situated for this setup.
  4. Family Table – the bride and groom are joined by immediate family. The size and shape of the table will depend on the size family you wish to accommodate at the same table.

Remember to work with your venue!

Even if you think your mind is made up on the type of table you would like to have at your reception, consider your reception space and what works best for the particular floor-plan. Have the venue or rental company create a scaled layout of the space to ensure the fit of the head table and guest tables.

What is your favorite type of head table? Have you seen any unique or different setups?

What Kind of Head Table Should I Have?